A better question would be, why is he wearing a modern suit, when everyone else is wearing vaguely medieval/fantasy garb? Except for Cole, who seems to be wearing a cocktail dress and heels.
The answer, I think, lies in that brief glimpse of “Hell” seen at the Eternity Spire, before Kyri prevented Jon from ending the world…
Andaren – Yes and Yes. Cole is named after her grandmother, with whom she shares a remarkable resemblance (I even drew the face on this page after Cole’s face in the top banner to drive the point). And Jon is the boy in panel 3. His mother died when he was very young.
Al – How Jon got his suit will be revealed before this story arc is over. Right now the arc is 7 issues (maybe 8 ) and we’re starting issue 4 shortly.
SCAScot – I think you are on to something. ;). And yes, the rockers of the Banestone are not only driven insane, but they seem to wear very strange and unique garb —– for this world.
Although I have to second SCAScot a bit: why is everyone wearing sorta-medieval clothing when Cole and Jon are wearing modern clothes? Was it the Banestone? More importantly, how did they get such clothes? Is there a mad tailor out there, sitting on a top of high-quality silk and Gocci designs in the middle of a desert, just waiting for the next Banestoe-crazed person to show up and take his size with gnawed out measuring tape?
First time reader, love the story so far, can not wait to see how Jon and Cole get their clothing, I bet its awesome, also love the fight scences so far, and the dragon-cole thingy is awesome too, keep up the good work. with that said welcome to my list of fav comics, right up there with Drowtales, LFG, so forth and so on
Am I the only one thinking that the “evil god” of the Eternity Spire looks like a scientist? No, it’s too obvious. But I have no idea what the device on his head is, and why does he appear to suffer the whole time? I’m looking forward to find out what all this means.
Great questions. All will be revealed. But with two, half pages a week it may take a while! I greatly appreciate you visiting the site and commenting, Murifex.
Cole’s Grandmother?
And is that a young Jon in panel 3?
If he is, he ain’t wearing a suit. How did he get his suit?
A better question would be, why is he wearing a modern suit, when everyone else is wearing vaguely medieval/fantasy garb? Except for Cole, who seems to be wearing a cocktail dress and heels.
The answer, I think, lies in that brief glimpse of “Hell” seen at the Eternity Spire, before Kyri prevented Jon from ending the world…
Andaren – Yes and Yes. Cole is named after her grandmother, with whom she shares a remarkable resemblance (I even drew the face on this page after Cole’s face in the top banner to drive the point). And Jon is the boy in panel 3. His mother died when he was very young.
Al – How Jon got his suit will be revealed before this story arc is over. Right now the arc is 7 issues (maybe 8 ) and we’re starting issue 4 shortly.
SCAScot – I think you are on to something. ;). And yes, the rockers of the Banestone are not only driven insane, but they seem to wear very strange and unique garb —– for this world.
Oh, is that how she gets away with not paying her tailor?
Hmm, seems that the gravestone could serve him in duties better than it would have served his heart.
Unless there are side-effects….
Maybe Pablo will eat Cole’s brains! Actually, Pablo is very sentimental. If he’s not careful, it could be his undoing….again.
We shall see I presume.
But it was just a joke that I couldn’t resist.
Although I have to second SCAScot a bit: why is everyone wearing sorta-medieval clothing when Cole and Jon are wearing modern clothes? Was it the Banestone? More importantly, how did they get such clothes? Is there a mad tailor out there, sitting on a top of high-quality silk and Gocci designs in the middle of a desert, just waiting for the next Banestoe-crazed person to show up and take his size with gnawed out measuring tape?
Yes. 8)
First time reader, love the story so far, can not wait to see how Jon and Cole get their clothing, I bet its awesome, also love the fight scences so far, and the dragon-cole thingy is awesome too, keep up the good work. with that said welcome to my list of fav comics, right up there with Drowtales, LFG, so forth and so on
Welcome and thanks for stopping by, Riyukadragon. I wasn’t familiar with LFG so I looked it up. Great comic so thanks for introducing that to me.
How did you find it just from the letters “LFG”? I don’t expect Looking For Group is listed in VERA…
I searched “LFG webcomic” and bingo. It’s a good strip. Alot of gags so far which I like.
Am I the only one thinking that the “evil god” of the Eternity Spire looks like a scientist? No, it’s too obvious. But I have no idea what the device on his head is, and why does he appear to suffer the whole time? I’m looking forward to find out what all this means.
Great questions.
All will be revealed. But with two, half pages a week it may take a while! I greatly appreciate you visiting the site and commenting, Murifex.
Still need more. This is one of the first actual comic book-style comics I’ve wanted to read in some time.
Thanks again, falkin42. It’s good to know that people are enjoying this little digital rag. It keeps me going.
When Cole stripped Herrik naked, why didn’t she find the stone he had?
Yeah, yeah, I’m a bit slow at times.