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*Thank YOU* for having such an awesome comic for our enjoyment.
Has your wife agreed to let us chain you to your art desk yet?
I’ve tried, but Mrs. Tony just isn’t into chains.
Oh well, we’ll just nail some wood slices then. :p
I just started reading not too long ago,and I just got through the archives. just wanted to say you have earned another reader
Your artwork is amazing and your world-building is too- very creative! With the better storytellers you sometimes get the sense that there is a whole world locked inside their head,and we just get a glimpse of it through their work… your story here qualifies.
Thanks! I appreciate you stopping by.
I like fantasy stories but I just couldn’t bring myself to work within a Tolkein-based world. It’s just been done too many times. So things are twisted a bit here. I’m curious myself, so I hope you’ll join me as I explore this world.
Like I said, GATES is a very manipulative mastermind. No need of any powers on his part to achieve that. That’s what’s most dangerous about him.
Very true. And the question is: Is the Banestone driving Jon insane, or is it GATES himself?
More like a Banestone side effect i think. BUT our GATES uses this as a way to say “see what i need to fix ?”. That way, he justifies himself to Jon, gaining a potential ally even after Jon may loose the Banestone.
I’m not sure if that’s what set up his mind after the 15 years jump. Specially considering GATES doubts his ability to control Jon again (see what he says to Cole in the manucure store). That’s more related to what he saw while the stones were fusing together. But still, in this flashback, it’s clear to me this is his new long term strategy
Your knowledge of the story continues to impress.
And yes GATES’ strategy is different with Cole and Jon. I can’t say why without giving away a little surprise. Stay tuned. 
I think GATES is doing it through himself and the Banestone, you know, attack from both sides.
Your art is soaring !!
Oh look, the hubris-saturated psychopath does have a heart (it would have upped his chances of success if Jon just killed his family). It’s just that his life support system doesn’t require it…
This is a flashback, after all. There is the question of whether he would do the same today — the Banestone might have gotten at him as well as at Jon and Cole
I seriously doubt that. You forget the psychological profile of each Banestone rocker.
Jon has always been an idealist, ready to do any sacrifice, to conduct any crazy plan, for the wellbeing of his family. In his case, GATES tempt that trait by showing him how a better life it would be for his family and himself, and introduces him as an imprisoned saver.
Cole was still a little child in her mind, which is underlined by Rosie’s reaction when Cole leaves her manucure store. With her, GATES just had to opress her and frighten her with punishment of any sorts. Like the potatoe chips vision.
What about Drakhyl ? GATES for sure negociated things with him using a different aproach once again. After all, Drakhyl was power hungry at start, to the point he killed his friend Pablo. I think GATES just had to tempt him like we tempt donkeys with carrots.
Obviously, that means the Banestone does not disturb GATES at any point. He more likely plug his mind and thoughts to the Banestone, which connects itself to the surrounding space as well as to whoever rocks it.
Winaren – You could be right.
And thanks for stoppin’ by.
AC – Thanks as always.
Kalvin – Good point about why Jon doesn’t just kill his family. But as long as Kyri has the power disrupting Endstone, Jon has to be very careful. Thanks for reading.
G: “You can trust me.”
J: “I can trust you.”
G: “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.”
J: “These aren’t the droids I’m looking for.”
G: “I’ve always wanted to do that.
“If can join the two stones together I will be free to make the world right again1”.
I’m sorry. What?