13.28 Endstone Fantasy Comic Webcomic Graphic Novel
on July 3, 2016
at 4:24 pm
Chapter: Issue 13 (Volume 3)
Characters: Colindra Montaine, Pablo Montaine
Colindra learns the mysteries of the Lightstone. Pablo wishes she had shorter hair.
Pablo… That’s so like you to vanish in the space-time continuum by accident while fetching some eggs. :p
Hmmm… the “outside world”, eh? Has that got anything to do with the “strange place” that Jon and Kyri find themselves when they rock the banestone and endstone together? Or was that just a construct of the Eternity Spire?
Nah, it’s just a relative perception of the world that becomes different while rocking the Lightstone, since it’s related to lightspeed and time like Pablo just explained. Much like how an actual time freezer can keep moving in his perception of a frozen world while others will believe he just vanished.
As always, I leave interpretations to the readers.
Ladies go to the hairdresser, Pablo.
Hahaha. I didn’t notice that but it’s totally what Pablo would say.
Hey Tony, i’m thinking of an idea for a new character (friend, foe, former foe redeemed, whatever) and his/her signature stone. I would probably call it the Fusestone or the Craftstone, something like that. The idea would be to allow the user to merge 2 things together and make them one, or later seperate them. This character would have found a way to target his/her own body as the 1st “thing”, and an overstone as the 2nd, as a result all his/her stones would be inside his/her body, includng those he/she would snatch to others, and he/she would still be able to use them as well. :-°
Cool idea, DK. I may use that in future stories, if you don’t mind.