The next update might be slightly late, sometime at the end of this weekend or early next week.
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The next update might be slightly late, sometime at the end of this weekend or early next week.
Be sure to subscribe by email to instantly get the latest Endstone page.
Hmm. I wonder how different the “new” world Jon makes is going to be, if the stones still work.
Good point. Jon wants to put the world back to the way it was, with stoners, and dragons and such. But there is the temptation to change things. . .
Cole looks both emotional and sexy in panel 2. Beautifully done!
It took a great deal of scribbling and erasing to get that expression right.
That’s a heck of a look on Cole.. Nice job, Tony!
Glad you like it.
It keeps me pushing on. 
while the rest of the page is excellent, I do find Cole’s panel 2 expression rather ackward, compared to what it’s supposed to express. Is she cracking up from laughter ? (rethorical)
I believe wider opened eyes and mouth would have better shown the happy surprise Cole is supposed to have here.
I completely disagree.
That’s a great deal of what makes us both be, ain’t it ?
IMO depends on person… a shy/introverted person may act more as Darth Killer suggests while a more confident/aggressive/extroverted person may act as we see in picture… Cole is both surprised and then flirting…
Things have been moving so fast (just minutes ago her potential boyfriend was a dinosaur) that Cole to degree would be in shock/not having as strong of fear/happiness reaction to all the rapid changes.
I’m only describing the ackward smile on panel 2. This shock being a relief type of shock, it’s no surprise Cole is flirting right after it. But in that panel 2 taken alone, i really can’t see any surprise nor shock, even though i do guess them through the story. Instead ifeel like i’m looing at a “hot’n sexy” female character hunting men in a bar…
Panel 1 he is speaking behind her, plenty of time between panel 1 to panel 2 for her to flip into flirt from whatever surprise she had. If you google “chicken catcher american idol”… a common idea in other songs as well, that when going gets rough some put priority on saying “I love you” before its too late.
That would still result in an actual shock expression on the face before flipping back to flirt, no matter how fast that happens. Here, panel 2 has neither.
Reading it, panel 2 seems in full support of the line of events, but then, I’m not assuming she’s surprised. She already noticed the stones are working in panel 1. I think she’s turning to Ben, fully expecting to find things are returning to how she likes them. And dare I say Bennet is looking very likable? I’m almost starting to see why she likes the big oaf. The only thing that struck me as wrong as that a person of Cole’s age would show more canine in a flash like that. Then again, she’s half deer, so maybe that’s on purpose?
It seems the break has done you well, Tony. The characters are looking better than ever. The colouring in panels 2 and 3 is working really good, even if I’m still a fan of the old B&W drawings. And I quite like how Cole is looking more defined, but still very youtful in panel 1.
Thanks. I’m glad the expression works for you.
And speaking of black and white, my next comic will probably be in that style. Coloring is nice, but it takes too much time and I don’t feel I have a good grasp of it, skill-wise.
So, will Primerose come back ? :p
I would be sorry to see the “good ” side of the modern world being lost. A smart and nerdy Kyri rocks. Seriously, in what kind of world would you rather live ? Just make a mix.
It never hurt to say it again but i love your work.
And you bring up a great point and one I hope to tackle with this story. Mainly, if you could change the world with a wish, do you have the right to do so?
Exactly – where does one draw the line? Reality-warping wishing machines pretty much constitute the definition of “absolute power,” and even someone who means well is capable of going too far / having a “who’ll stop me?” moment (ie. Simon).
That, and also this:
End of Line
Hm, I wonder what Jon will do about Pablo…
Good question….
As long as his skeleton’s still there and relatively intact, somebody probably just needs to rock the Gravestone again to “revive” him. As happened in the first place.
End of Line