Howdy all,
I just wanted to let you folks know that I’ll be taking a brief hiatus for the next few weeks.
I’m going on vacation with my family and unfortunately this time I have no extra pages in reserve. Also, I have a small side project I need to handle before I can work on Endstone again.
I’ll probably be gone just a few weeks so make sure to subscribe to Endstone by email. The subscription link is on the right side bar. I always send out emails the moment I post any new material.
See you soon,
Grahhhh! Of course you’d leave it like this!! Seriously though, another fantastic page as always, I can’t wait to see where this all goes! But since I have to I will
Have a great vacation!
Have a great vacation Tony, very much looking forward to your return!
Have fun on your vacations!
Have a fantastic vacation, Tony!
You know we’ll be here bouncing up and down eagerly when you get back. Take all the time you need. (But, y’know, not five years. I’d have to start whining.)
Heh, Jon gets to wear the orange juice hat now.
Have a good time on your vacation!
As long as the hat makes an amalgamation and not a melange, it should be ok. Have a great vacation!
I like the way this is coming.
Whoa… what a cliffhanger to leave us on!
Well, I suppose that way you can rest assured that we’ll still be here when you get back.
Have a nice trip!
Waaaa! I spend three days teleporting bread (fixing my computer) and find Endstone on vacation hiatus!
Seriously though, take as much time as you need. We’ll be here spamming refresh and sucking up all your bandwidth until you get back.
End of Line
i like your work
Oh hey, new vote incentive. Hooray! Welcome back to the land of the copper intertubes, Tony, and take as much additional time as you need to fill your page buffer.
Also, can somebody tell me what the trend is with webcomics and Benjamin Franklin? I don’t get it, and Google’s being about as helpful as that time my motherboard driver went kerfluffle.
End of Line
The vote incentive is a page I did for my cousin’s film project. I didn’t write it so I have no idea as to why Ben Franklin. Just one of those cultural zeitgeist things I suppose.
As we speak I am currently working on a new Endstone page. I should have something up within a week.
And as always, thanks for all the comments, folks.
Honestly, no idea why Franklin – but I suspect a Tesla vs. Franklin motive.
You can’t go wrong! Two guys who may or may not have been IRL steampunkish, neither of whom were truly ‘good guys,’ and modern writing /loves/ to confuse you as to who the real protagonist is. I bet some writer out there has even gone so far as to make Tesla and Franklin much nicer people – after they do some yaoi fanservice. Which happens after Franklin zaps all his bodyhair off a la Spider Jerusalem, since we know Tesla was disgusted by it.