11.29 Endstone – “Can’t Stop Genius”
Recap: Simon has finally arrived at the Eternity Spire, the source of power for all of the over-stones. His plan is to combine the Endstone and the Banestone together, and use them to power the reality bending properties of the Spire. And then at last, he can atone for the accident, thousands of years ago, that destroyed our modern world and created the universe our heroes live in today.
And to do this, Simon plans to not only refashion the very fabric of the world and make it into a “modern utopia,” but also he plans to erase the lives of everyone on the planet.
Some will live and some will die, but Simon will rule over a new, modern world built from the ashes of the old.
The thing with overstone power is:
The more powerfull they are, the faster they will get you into withdrawl.
But in this case it is a good idea to stop time.
You are correct. Stopping time takes a tremendous amount of power. Simon indeed has to be careful here.
I don’t think it is. Once he’s grabbed the Endstone to fuse it with the Banestone, then what ? He’ll be at the hero party’s mercy like Jon was many years ago.
Were I in Simon’s place, I would not go at all at the Spire, instead going into hiding to take out my ennemies individually through sneaky assassination attempts. Don’t use the time stop ability of the Banestone unless you must since it’s so power greedy, instead just rely on its passive ability : near invulnerability and massive strength. Combined with more humble stones, that can be devastating enough, specially one-on-one. And once the coast is clear and i’m sure i won’t be disturbed, then i go to the Spire.
So that’s my lesson to you, Simon : just because you feel all powerful does not mean you are invincible, it just means you have slightly better chances to succeed if you play your cards right, first rule for that being cautiousness.
Bah, villains are stupid, remember?
Although I suppose this does bring up rule #40 on the Evil Overlord list: “I will be neither chivalrous nor sporting. If I have an unstoppable superweapon, I will use it as early and as often as possible instead of keeping it in reserve.”
End of Line
Maybe i miss more scheming mastermind villains that always plan ahead, i’m a bit used to villains like Ra’s al Ghul or Deathstroke (from the DC Universe), or Amon or Zaheer (from Legend of Korra)…
John was quite the sheemer while being affected by the Banestone. Going as far as to do economic disruption as part of his plan.
And Drakyl had the foresight to get himself a gun against Kyri.
Oddly, Simon is perhaps the least well planning Banestone rockers of all.
“I will not underestimate that crafty animal and her stupid cohorts… again,” would have been more accurate.
But yes, stopping time here is indeed a good idea in this instance, the more he can accomplish before it resumes, the less of a chance for the heroes to stop him. Unless of coarse Tony, rocker of the Deusexmachinastone, has something up his sleeve.
End of Line
LOL. In any world, the Deusexmachinastone is too terrible to even mention . :0
Well, in the Powerpuff Girls universe, there’s a being so terrible even his name can’t be spoken, instead being simply refered as “HIM”.
I can’t see why there would not be a stone so schocking, so horrible, so morally unfathomable, that even its name would be forbidden, being simply referred to as something like the Itstone…
The Itstone… I like it.
I believe the narrative bubbles in the final panel are not in the proper order. Or is the “i can stop time” one supposed to be read before “my idiot opponents”, leaving the “i will not understimate” one for last ?
“Those fools can’t stop genius! But I can stop time! My idiot opponents could be lurking nearby. I will not underestimate that crafty animal and her stupid cohorts… again.” Reads fine to me.
Been reading too much manga lately? I’ve personally encountered the comic/manga alignment problem more than once when reading too much of one without the other.
End of Line
To me, it better reads like this :
“Those fools can’t stop genious ! My idiot opponents could be lurking nearby. But i can stop time. I will not underestimate that crafty animal and her stupid cohorts.”
And i have not read anything new, manga or comic, in a whole week.

Most alignment problems, if not too severe, still allow the reader to read in the proper order by more or less thinking about it, but here there’s no mistaking about the order, and since i don’t feel it to be the right one i’m telling about it. Specially since it’s a webcomic that we’re ready while it’s being produced.
“Battle of the Darths” or should I say “Battle to the Darth”
To me, it sounds good either way. I really don’t want to take sides so I arrived at a compromise. I changed the order as Darth Killer suggested, and I added “I will not underestimate that crafty animal and her stupid cohorts again” as DarthNSupreme suggested.
Thanks for the help you guys.