Oh, seems it’s coming to an end… Is it? I remember when I first started to read this and it only had like, dunno, 10 pages, and it was enough to hook me, even if those pages ended up changing quite a bit. I recommended it to a friend because I knew he would love the concept, then discovered his grasp of the English language was pretty much null… Ah, such precious old times…
It’s great to hear from a long time reader, Jannard.
As for the end of Endstone, this issue is definitely the conclusion for the “God at the Eternity Spire” story-arc.
As for future, I still haven’t decided. I have an interest in continuing the adventures of these characters so Endstone could continue, or I might spin-off the characters into a new comic. I also have considered rebooting the project because there are certain aspects of Endstone that I am pleased with, and others I would like to change. Webcomics are all about experimentation so we will see.
It’s good to see you’re planning to keep taking advantage of the editorial felxibility of the medium. As long as you keep the old versions somewhere, so that we can always go back to them and say “oh, Tony’s right, now it’s better”, or “why did you change that? WHY? That nonsensical scene with the suspicious hippo was the best part!”…
As for the whole “this hasn’t ended yet”, I don’t know if I should feel relief because more cool content will be coming, or anxiety because of the lack of certainty and stability in my lif… I mean the comic, yes.
I’m game too. You mentionned at one point an undead-based city that could be used in a future story-arc, i’m still waiting for that one. :p
In fact i’m very interesting on a universe extension, i do love the lore behind stories. Then again, the comic-book format is not the only format that can be used to expand the lore. Ever thought of teaming up with a developper to produce an Endstone game ? :p
Undead city? Interesting idea. Actually California is the land of the undead in the Endstone universe. I was going to do a story set there after this one ends, but now with the popularity of “The Walking Dead”and “World War Z” etc etc, I think I have to reconsider.
Undead does not limit itself to zombies, you know ? Besides, your version of how the various undead – including Pablo, after all – work and the mecanics behind all those can still be entirely new.
Rethink the definition and workings of zombies, mummies, ghouls, undead hybrids (like frankenstein’s monster), ghosts, skeletons, vampires, and so forth. There are plenty ways to make them different from what’s usual.
However it should be noted that Pablo isn’t sure if he’s really alive, or even if he is really himself, or even if there is a soul or afterlife. The living dead obviously beg some existential questions that I hope to explore someday.
YES!!! I’ve been visiting and re-visiting my bookmark since I almost never check email or Facebook… The cover! It’s HERE! (Plus the first new issue that’s been created with the epic meeee tagging along! :P) Since I don’t think I’ve said this in a while… THIS IS THE BEST COMIC EVER, TONY YOU ARE AWESOME! Also, I (randomly) wish you luck in life… *throws a flashbomb and unfortunately is seen running away after, like Jon*
New issue, hooray! In honor of this special occasion, I will now be typing my name with proper caps for the foreseeable future, along with my trademark signature.
And I’m with Darth Killer on this one, an Endstone game would be cool. If you were lucky it may even expand the fanbase. Though there is the small factor of money to hire developers… I don’t suppose they would have much of that green paper stuff in the post-apocalyptic future.
Why would you hire a developper when you have one within your fanbase ?
Though i’m in the middle of a training course, giving me little free time for such a project at the moment. But maybe i can manage during week-ends.
I’m no designer nor sound engeneer though (maybe internet can provide us with FX sounds, but musics will be noticable). Besides, discussing a scope statement (is that how it’s called in english ?) is mandatory for any serious project. No need for you to know how developping works for this, just that blindly rushing into programing leads to no good.
With my very limited Java experience, I can agree with DK on this one – you need a plan of attack before you can assault the Death Star. And yes it is indeed Scope Statement.
Anyways, I think I know a good place for some musics: http://incompetech.com
There’s a lot of good royalty-free stuff on the net, though as you said at least some people will notice. How do you think I found that site in the first place?
Anyways, if anyone wanted to put a think-tank together to plan a game, count me in.
Well, i’ve yet to do anything in Java but it’s on schedule on my training course. However, we’re half done with C#, all we have left with that one is how to save data… :p
I also have some (ancient) experience with C and SDL (graphic library, often used for 2D games) and FMOD (audio playing library). Thanks to that website called OpenClassrooms where i’m active in the french mirror (i’ve yet to figure out how to bypass the website’s locale detection system to visit the english mirror).
Yep, the think tank is a good idea, i cannot agree more.
SQUEE!!! (Bounces up and down in happiness)
Whoa. The whole family is together, and not at each other’s throats, for once?! Wow. This has gotta be good!
You know what they say (actually it’s just me who says it):
“A family that fights together stays together.”
And that can be taken several ways with the Montaine family.
The cover is quite interesting indeed. But i also notice Ben is not here. He might not get out of it, after all…
Maybe it’s just blood family here for now. They aren’t married (yet?) after all!
Shadowydreamer, Insectoid, and Lurker. Glad you folks are still reading and enjoying down the years.
We may be few in number, but we’re loyal!
Oh, seems it’s coming to an end… Is it? I remember when I first started to read this and it only had like, dunno, 10 pages, and it was enough to hook me, even if those pages ended up changing quite a bit. I recommended it to a friend because I knew he would love the concept, then discovered his grasp of the English language was pretty much null… Ah, such precious old times…
It’s great to hear from a long time reader, Jannard.
As for the end of Endstone, this issue is definitely the conclusion for the “God at the Eternity Spire” story-arc.
As for future, I still haven’t decided. I have an interest in continuing the adventures of these characters so Endstone could continue, or I might spin-off the characters into a new comic. I also have considered rebooting the project because there are certain aspects of Endstone that I am pleased with, and others I would like to change. Webcomics are all about experimentation so we will see.

It’s good to see you’re planning to keep taking advantage of the editorial felxibility of the medium. As long as you keep the old versions somewhere, so that we can always go back to them and say “oh, Tony’s right, now it’s better”, or “why did you change that? WHY? That nonsensical scene with the suspicious hippo was the best part!”…
As for the whole “this hasn’t ended yet”, I don’t know if I should feel relief because more cool content will be coming, or anxiety because of the lack of certainty and stability in my lif… I mean the comic, yes.
Anyway, I’m game!
I’m game too. You mentionned at one point an undead-based city that could be used in a future story-arc, i’m still waiting for that one. :p
In fact i’m very interesting on a universe extension, i do love the lore behind stories. Then again, the comic-book format is not the only format that can be used to expand the lore. Ever thought of teaming up with a developper to produce an Endstone game ? :p
Undead city? Interesting idea.
Actually California is the land of the undead in the Endstone universe. I was going to do a story set there after this one ends, but now with the popularity of “The Walking Dead”and “World War Z” etc etc, I think I have to reconsider. 
Undead does not limit itself to zombies, you know ? Besides, your version of how the various undead – including Pablo, after all – work and the mecanics behind all those can still be entirely new.
Rethink the definition and workings of zombies, mummies, ghouls, undead hybrids (like frankenstein’s monster), ghosts, skeletons, vampires, and so forth. There are plenty ways to make them different from what’s usual.
Whoop whoop!
Woot!! I can’t wait!
Doofus and GumbyDammit: Glad to know you folks are still along for the ride.
Glad to see Pablo again. His last appearance was just too sad to leave at that.
He really ought to try to kick that smoking habit of his though. It’ll be the death of him some day.
You don’t think it’s a bit too late?
However it should be noted that Pablo isn’t sure if he’s really alive, or even if he is really himself, or even if there is a soul or afterlife. The living dead obviously beg some existential questions that I hope to explore someday.
YES!!! I’ve been visiting and re-visiting my bookmark since I almost never check email or Facebook… The cover! It’s HERE! (Plus the first new issue that’s been created with the epic meeee tagging along! :P) Since I don’t think I’ve said this in a while… THIS IS THE BEST COMIC EVER, TONY YOU ARE AWESOME! Also, I (randomly) wish you luck in life… *throws a flashbomb and unfortunately is seen running away after, like Jon*
You are too kind, sip0001 (if that really is your name. ;))
New issue, hooray! In honor of this special occasion, I will now be typing my name with proper caps for the foreseeable future, along with my trademark signature.
And I’m with Darth Killer on this one, an Endstone game would be cool. If you were lucky it may even expand the fanbase. Though there is the small factor of money to hire developers… I don’t suppose they would have much of that green paper stuff in the post-apocalyptic future.
End of Line™
A game sounds fun.
But then as you say there always is a problem with that “green stuff”.
Why would you hire a developper when you have one within your fanbase ?

Though i’m in the middle of a training course, giving me little free time for such a project at the moment. But maybe i can manage during week-ends.
Go for it. You can use any of the concepts/characters associated with Endstone.
I’m no designer nor sound engeneer though (maybe internet can provide us with FX sounds, but musics will be noticable). Besides, discussing a scope statement (is that how it’s called in english ?) is mandatory for any serious project. No need for you to know how developping works for this, just that blindly rushing into programing leads to no good.
With my very limited Java experience, I can agree with DK on this one – you need a plan of attack before you can assault the Death Star. And yes it is indeed Scope Statement.
Anyways, I think I know a good place for some musics: http://incompetech.com
There’s a lot of good royalty-free stuff on the net, though as you said at least some people will notice. How do you think I found that site in the first place?
Anyways, if anyone wanted to put a think-tank together to plan a game, count me in.
End of Line™
Well, i’ve yet to do anything in Java but it’s on schedule on my training course. However, we’re half done with C#, all we have left with that one is how to save data… :p
I also have some (ancient) experience with C and SDL (graphic library, often used for 2D games) and FMOD (audio playing library). Thanks to that website called OpenClassrooms where i’m active in the french mirror (i’ve yet to figure out how to bypass the website’s locale detection system to visit the english mirror).
Yep, the think tank is a good idea, i cannot agree more.
Oh and btw, my dear fellow readers, don’t forget to vote for Endstone on TWC!
You can vote once per day per IP. Let’s get Endstone to the first page where it belongs!
Thanks for the plug, Lurker.
What an ominous cover! A union of evil – killer, beast, half-beast and undead, and no sign of the fair heroine Primrose.
… that’s one way to look at it.