15.26 Endstone webcomic
#Endstone is a fantasy, scifi, post apocalyptic comic, webcomic, graphic novel after it’s first cup of coffee in the morning.
#Endstone is a fantasy, scifi, post apocalyptic comic, webcomic, graphic novel after it’s first cup of coffee in the morning.
Hum, sounds rather like how a former CEO might feel if his parents were to come back.
Sorry, CEO of Goldman Sachs. I do love that line!?
CFO, my Kindle really liked th other. Bloody autocorrect.
Honestly? I might be biased against even-toed ungulates, but Kyri kinda described the same things she kept doing through all of her life. The Montanes and their wacky bunch of nutjobs welcomed her with open hands, ignoring the fact, that she’s just an animal, and the whole time she’d only complained about civilization, necromancy and other finer aspects of life.
She wasn’t happy with what she had, so she wanted something different and when she got that, she noticed that she wasn’t happy with that either and wanted again something different.
Unfortunately common thing even nowadays. Always wanting something that isn’t and ignoring what is.
Like an old work colleague told me how he envied me for just being a single man with all the time for his hobbies, when I in truth envied him, a married man and a father of two, for how he had build himself a proper life and had the purpose of being a father and a husband, whereas I was lost and seeking my own place in the world. It’s all matter of perspective, and that is really hard when one has only the said one perspective and point of view. Least I only have eyes pointing to a singular direction. XD
But yeah. Kyri is a bit more a small odd-toed ungulate than an even-toed one here…
Run forest, run!