Okay, now it is getting wierd.
She should be aware of stoner Withrawl from her last fall. If the next thing that happens ins Pablo having a spout of weakness too, I am going to think there is something wrong with the overstones overall.
I was actually wondering if the dragon-form didn’t require active energy to maintain, because she did seem to enjoy flying around… I don’t remember if we’ve seen before if there’s a difference between sort of “always on” and “actively maintained” effects. Though, the more immediate worry should be that based on the first panel they’re quite high, and not invulnerable like GATES… (And here I thought they’d noticed GATES’ plunge)
Great questions! All the stones require energy from a stoner and thus have a duration. There are a few exceptions like the Endstone which draws power as it disrupts stonecraft so in effect it is almost limitless, but I’m sure there are exceptions to its limits as well.
I guess that’s like everything else, when there’s no risk, the risk comes from elsewhere. I’d say each stone has its own amount energy drain per time, and all need energy to work. And while most of them need the stoner’s energy, there are definitivly some that use alternate sources of energy
You mentionned the Endstone using energy from the stonecraft fields it disrupts. I think i can add 2 other stones in the mix : the Quickstone seems to convert kinetic energy, including the user’s metabolism, into stonecraft energy to work.
But to me, the most puzzling of them all in that scope is definitivly the Homestone. Here, we’re dealing with a constantly active stone that sends psychic alerts like waves all around it to attract stoners from everywhere. What in the name of Thunderhead does this one feed on in order to remain active ?
My guess is that when the wishing machine exploded, it left a constant wave of energy that still baths the whole world. A “background noise” energy, much like the one in our real universe that baths, well, the whole universe, with which astrophysicians can have an idea of the age of the Big Bang itself, since it’s a remain of the energy released by the Big Bang.
By using this theory of a background noise stonecraft energy, we can think of it as the energy source for the rare stones that are constantly active, like the Homestone.
The Homestone!!!! I honestly forgot about that one. And yes it does use a passive power as you point out, DK. World Building is a bit difficult and it’s hard to catch everything so I like your idea of passive stones picking up “background” power from the Spire. It opens up possibilities.
The main thing I was going for from a writer’s point of view is that there should be consequences to rocking the stones. Power should have a price so that’s why the withdrawals are included. But I will include some passive stones in the future and thanks for the explanation.
Absolutely. I was thinking about it, and why not? Readers like it. I like it in the comics I read. So if the situation calls for it then nudity is a go.
You should redo the other comics to reflect your change in opinion In fact, you should just make a bunch of future comics with random full-frontal in it
Ohhhhh dear. Let’s hope they have a Simon-type fall (as in one where they don’t die or get hurt)…
Is there like a stone which draws the energy of other stoners away, without necessarily immediately interrupting stoning? I doubt it, but who knows…?
The only reason Simon didn’t get hurt is because the Banestone gives him invulnerability, even when his power is low. This helped him survive the fall. Cole on the other hand is just a girl, ummm deer. Oh deer.
Okay, now it is getting wierd.
She should be aware of stoner Withrawl from her last fall. If the next thing that happens ins Pablo having a spout of weakness too, I am going to think there is something wrong with the overstones overall.
Then again, there’s the stressful conditions and emotions that can prevent anyone from thinking clearly. Even Jon…
I was actually wondering if the dragon-form didn’t require active energy to maintain, because she did seem to enjoy flying around… I don’t remember if we’ve seen before if there’s a difference between sort of “always on” and “actively maintained” effects. Though, the more immediate worry should be that based on the first panel they’re quite high, and not invulnerable like GATES… (And here I thought they’d noticed GATES’ plunge)
Great questions! All the stones require energy from a stoner and thus have a duration. There are a few exceptions like the Endstone which draws power as it disrupts stonecraft so in effect it is almost limitless, but I’m sure there are exceptions to its limits as well.
I guess that’s like everything else, when there’s no risk, the risk comes from elsewhere. I’d say each stone has its own amount energy drain per time, and all need energy to work. And while most of them need the stoner’s energy, there are definitivly some that use alternate sources of energy
You mentionned the Endstone using energy from the stonecraft fields it disrupts. I think i can add 2 other stones in the mix : the Quickstone seems to convert kinetic energy, including the user’s metabolism, into stonecraft energy to work.
But to me, the most puzzling of them all in that scope is definitivly the Homestone. Here, we’re dealing with a constantly active stone that sends psychic alerts like waves all around it to attract stoners from everywhere. What in the name of Thunderhead does this one feed on in order to remain active ?
My guess is that when the wishing machine exploded, it left a constant wave of energy that still baths the whole world. A “background noise” energy, much like the one in our real universe that baths, well, the whole universe, with which astrophysicians can have an idea of the age of the Big Bang itself, since it’s a remain of the energy released by the Big Bang.
By using this theory of a background noise stonecraft energy, we can think of it as the energy source for the rare stones that are constantly active, like the Homestone.
The Homestone!!!! I honestly forgot about that one. And yes it does use a passive power as you point out, DK. World Building is a bit difficult and it’s hard to catch everything so I like your idea of passive stones picking up “background” power from the Spire. It opens up possibilities.
The main thing I was going for from a writer’s point of view is that there should be consequences to rocking the stones. Power should have a price so that’s why the withdrawals are included. But I will include some passive stones in the future and thanks for the explanation.
I’m beginning to wonder if something is ‘shorting out’ (for lack of a better word) the Overstones.
Also, looks like Cole must really go through hair-care products.
Enough to plot an entire episode.
Oh, not again…
You’re actually showing nipples this time. Maybe it’s time for some full-frontal?
Absolutely. I was thinking about it, and why not? Readers like it. I like it in the comics I read. So if the situation calls for it then nudity is a go.
Thank you ohh merciful God…
You should redo the other comics to reflect your change in opinion
In fact, you should just make a bunch of future comics with random full-frontal in it 
The next comic will be a little more racy for sure.
Ohhhhh dear. Let’s hope they have a Simon-type fall (as in one where they don’t die or get hurt)…
Is there like a stone which draws the energy of other stoners away, without necessarily immediately interrupting stoning? I doubt it, but who knows…?
The only reason Simon didn’t get hurt is because the Banestone gives him invulnerability, even when his power is low. This helped him survive the fall. Cole on the other hand is just a girl, ummm deer. Oh deer.
Ah… I see… Thanks
Perhaps I should be saying AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Will you ever make Endstone porn?
Maybe. Keep reading and visiting the site often, you never know.