Yeah, but in all seriousness, I’m guessing that Pablo isn’t going to be very happy once he’s recharged and back in action. Speaking of, how long does it take for a stoner to recharge anyway? It was implied early on to be in the “several hours” timeframe, but I don’t think we ever got a specific length of time.
Wait, If Jon and Colindra both have some degree of modern-times knowledge, does Cole have knowledge of CPR? Or the fact that the sun will rise in a few hours? Maybe some crackpot would-never-work-in-real-life idea to combine multiple overstones’ powers based on the mad scientist in some movie?
It takes a stoner several hours to a day to “recharge” depending on how much energy is spent. And yes, Jon has the memories of his “faux” self, so he is probably familiar with CPR. Colindra, on the other hand, dreaded looking into the mirror to the other world, and she never stepped through the door to gain the memories of her other self so she probably knows nothing of CPR. 🙂
Personally I predict a heroic sacrifice by his father to use the gravestone, or he is revived by the spire as a last temptation to get Kyri to give up.
Had the same idea about the Gravestone. It can get a skeleton back to life, Jon should be a easy thing.
I also do not think Pablo had to recharge his general Stoner abilities, but actually only the “keep living and moving” part of his abilities.
In addition to your idea to tempt Kyri, how about that stopping Simon would require disabling all the Overstones and thier ongoing effects? Including Jon being revived by the Gravestone.
Regarding Simon: He did make his escape for now, but he lost his glasses. If he does not remmeber he can just wish new ones/good eyesight, what are the chances he will actually find the SPIRE fast in his state?
Well, we men are notorious for having problem at “asking for the way”. Mostly because we have problems of accepting that we aren’t able to find it ourself. The same could be true for Simon being unable to find it without his glasses.
It will not be enough that he spends the next 20+ Years looking for it, but it might just give the good guys a day or two.
On Spire… remember that Simon wished it to be moved and “nothing happened”. Always a chance that something did happen and no one noticed and Simon the genius won’t figure out how his genius messes him up when he gets to where the spire was.
Primrose, cold as always. She’s the only one to stay still instead of checking on Jon. Even her brother comes. Maybe she’ll even have a despisable comment on Jon soon.
Ugh. So much blood.
Is there a mystical Timestone that can only be wielded by the chosen one and is created when the Banestone and (I forgot the name of the other one! Dang!)’s powers are combined?
Also your posts keep getting held up for moderation. I can only guess it’s because you have numbers in your screen name? Or maybe a link to something? I’ll see what I can do to fix that.
Time for some emergency heart assistance trivia ? Or is he truely dead ?
We shall see. 🙂
Jon: “I’m getting better!”
Yeah, but in all seriousness, I’m guessing that Pablo isn’t going to be very happy once he’s recharged and back in action. Speaking of, how long does it take for a stoner to recharge anyway? It was implied early on to be in the “several hours” timeframe, but I don’t think we ever got a specific length of time.
Wait, If Jon and Colindra both have some degree of modern-times knowledge, does Cole have knowledge of CPR? Or the fact that the sun will rise in a few hours? Maybe some crackpot would-never-work-in-real-life idea to combine multiple overstones’ powers based on the mad scientist in some movie?
Dangit, typoed my email address.
It takes a stoner several hours to a day to “recharge” depending on how much energy is spent. And yes, Jon has the memories of his “faux” self, so he is probably familiar with CPR. Colindra, on the other hand, dreaded looking into the mirror to the other world, and she never stepped through the door to gain the memories of her other self so she probably knows nothing of CPR. 🙂
Personally I predict a heroic sacrifice by his father to use the gravestone, or he is revived by the spire as a last temptation to get Kyri to give up.
Had the same idea about the Gravestone. It can get a skeleton back to life, Jon should be a easy thing.
I also do not think Pablo had to recharge his general Stoner abilities, but actually only the “keep living and moving” part of his abilities.
In addition to your idea to tempt Kyri, how about that stopping Simon would require disabling all the Overstones and thier ongoing effects? Including Jon being revived by the Gravestone.
Regarding Simon: He did make his escape for now, but he lost his glasses. If he does not remmeber he can just wish new ones/good eyesight, what are the chances he will actually find the SPIRE fast in his state?
Not good. But Simon can’t be *that* daft, can he?
Well, we men are notorious for having problem at “asking for the way”. Mostly because we have problems of accepting that we aren’t able to find it ourself. The same could be true for Simon being unable to find it without his glasses.
It will not be enough that he spends the next 20+ Years looking for it, but it might just give the good guys a day or two.
On Spire… remember that Simon wished it to be moved and “nothing happened”. Always a chance that something did happen and no one noticed and Simon the genius won’t figure out how his genius messes him up when he gets to where the spire was.
Interesting ideas, folks. 🙂 We shall see how it plays out. 🙂
Primrose, cold as always. She’s the only one to stay still instead of checking on Jon. Even her brother comes. Maybe she’ll even have a despisable comment on Jon soon.
She’s one to watch to for sure. 😉
Maybe he’s only Mostly Dead.
??Who is the guy in the suit, last panel, far left?
Bolo. 🙂
He’s dead? damn
Ugh. So much blood.
Is there a mystical Timestone that can only be wielded by the chosen one and is created when the Banestone and (I forgot the name of the other one! Dang!)’s powers are combined?
You mean the Endstone? 😉
Yeah, sorry, I just kind of had a blank. XD
Even worse that this whole thing is named after it. Oh wow, slp, that was really stupid. >.<
LOL. No problem my friend. 🙂
Also your posts keep getting held up for moderation. I can only guess it’s because you have numbers in your screen name? Or maybe a link to something? I’ll see what I can do to fix that.