Remember, if you want to be notified when Endstone updates, be sure to subscribe in the box to the right of the comic. No spam and you can opt out anytime.
See you soon.
Endstone is fantasy, post-apocalyptic comic, webcomic, graphic novel.
Remember, if you want to be notified when Endstone updates, be sure to subscribe in the box to the right of the comic. No spam and you can opt out anytime.
See you soon.
Endstone is fantasy, post-apocalyptic comic, webcomic, graphic novel.
This page kicked my butt so the next update might be a little late. If you want to be notified when Endstone updates, be sure to subscribe in the box to the right of the comic. No spam and you can opt out anytime.
See you soon.
Howdy folks! Long time no see!
Endstone is back. I hope I haven’t lost too many of you over the hiatus, but I just had to take some time off. Updates will be sporadic for a bit. To keep my sanity, I’m going to update when I have the time and desire. Hopefully that will be often. However, this comic is a hobby for me and I can’t let it interfere with the more important things in my life. That said, I love doing it and I love entertaining you all, so there’s where I’m at.
Enjoy and I’ll see you soon.
Howdy all,
Endstone is going on hiatus for a bit. I really tried to finish Chapter 2, but I have a family vacation and other commitments to attend to in the coming weeks. I’m guessing I’ll be back in May, but that could change. I’ll keep you posted. Until then, enjoy as Lindy comes alive!
Meet Ophelia, the LivingStone.
And no update in the middle of this week, sorry. I’ll be back before Sunday, April 9. Please feel free to subscribe to the email list so you can be notified when Endstone updates.
See you soon,
In this episode, Ophelia is a bit too fascinated with the gravestone and we learn that nobody messes with Jon’s momma!
Endstone is a fantasy, scifi, post-apocalyptic comic, webcomic, graphic novel. It really is.
Endstone will be back on Wednesday, March 22. I’ll try for twice weekly from here on out.