15.15 Endstone Fantasy Graphic Novel
Howdy folks,
Just want to let you know I’m starting a Patreon account. If possible I’d like to raise a little money to pay for web hosting, advertising, and equipment. If you’ve enjoyed Endstone over the years or even if you are new to the series, please consider being my Patron. You can donate as little as $1 and it would really help me to keep producing this comic. I’ve managed to put together some cool rewards like first access to comic pages, exclusive art, and high quality pdfs of the first two volumes. Check it out.
I love is page; it sets out the problem and sets up the rest of the action.
As for the Patreon, I will have to check with my Wife. 🙂
Thanks as always, my friend. 🙂 And I know all about checking things over with the wife so it’s no problem. 🙂
I wouldn’t say that humans hate deer. We simply don’t see them as sentient beings or people, that’s all. They’re beautiful and serene, but nobody would give them rights or allow them to vote. That would be ridiculous.
The logic of the oppressor… 😉
It always seems to be the same argument, but set in different lands and times. The earliest reference to politically correct was in 1922 and said the only politically correct way was to kill every Cossack – man, woman, and child. Oddly, our view of Neanderthals was as big dumb brutes, but the more we find, the more like modern humans they were. Now the earliest cave art turns out to be from them. Well, 20% of Neanderthal DNA exists in “modern man;” although each individual has 2-7%. Talking dear makes a good case for sentient being in my book, but I think rain is wet; so, who am I to judge.
Very true. And actually, 3.5% Neanderthal DNA is tops in modern humans. I should know. I’ve been tested and have nearly 3.2% Neanderthal ancestry (upper 90% of all people). That explains alot about me. 😉