13.15 Endstone Fantasy Comic Webcomic
I pray to thee Google god. Bestow your blessing upon Endstone. Let those who seek a fantasy webcomic, comic, graphic novel find their way here.
I pray to thee Google god. Bestow your blessing upon Endstone. Let those who seek a fantasy webcomic, comic, graphic novel find their way here.
I love the pose in the next to the last panel! Also, did you offer up the sacrificial search at the frirst light of dawn to the Google God?
Thanks. It’s fun to put Primrose in compromising positions.
And yes I find search engine optimization is beyond me, and I’m starting to think a sacrifice or at least animal entrails will do the trick.
And Primrose, as convinced as ever. Lovely.
Yes she is a wonderful character.
I love how Primrose immediately assumes it’s Colindra’s fault. She has reverse hero instincts- usually heroes in stories somehow know things like these, and they’re more often than not right, but more often than not she’s wrong.
Also note it’s always Colindra. Shell never blame anyone else, not even someone from the rest of the family except by extension of Cole herself. It’s not instincts, it’s looking for any excuse to behead Cole pure and simple.
Well, I try. I keep pushing Endstone on G+.
I’m told there’s no one there, though.
Thanks, my friend.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder if should shut the G+ site down since there are so few followers there. But I’ll keep it going.
Hopefully the price is right, anyway.