13.06 Endstone “She Doesn’t Get It” Fantasy Comic Webcomic
on April 13, 2016
at 4:09 pm
Chapter: Issue 13 (Volume 3)
Characters: Bennet Quandel, Colindra Montaine, Gog, Jon Montaine, Kyri Thunderhead, Vandric the Grim
So Cole did not loose control over her stone. It was stolen from her. Both interesting, as we may get to see a new character (unless it’s Bolo, in which case what the heck was it family combat practice after all ?!?) and disapointed (would have been interesting for Cole’s character growth to see her have to face the consequences of her screwing up)
Good points as always, DK. 🙂 Answers coming very soon….
That must be Bucky. There’s always a Bucky when there’s loads of toads being croaked!
(Those of you who get that reference: You’re getting old.)
Captain America ? xD
I don’t know, it’s the only famous “Bucky” to me, all others are just nameless sidekicks in WW2 (sometimes WW1) stories… xD
Bucky O’Hare, as best I recall.
And to think I actually knew that bunny… xD
Only through a Death Battle episode against Fox MacLoud though. Never came to France, to my knowledge, or maybe in some obscure channel somewhere…
I wonder if there’s a Bunny-stone? And if so, is any stoner ever shameless enough to rock it?
Things that make you go, ‘God, I hope not.’
Depends on what the Bunnystone would do :p
If it’s a self super-jump buff, where’s the shame ? 😉
More likely it would make either scads of fluffy pink bunnies or, worse, yes, you could jump, but you’d do so in pink, fuzzy bunny slippers.