It’s not the goatee in and of itself, but how it often looks on his face, as in the center of flashback panel 2. It actuall looks better in the recent strips than it ever looked in the past, when it mostly gave Jon an air of doofusness, as it does where I’ve indicated.
Overall, I’d say Jon seems to be one of many men who need to either fish or cut bait; shave or grow his entire beard out (which, as we’ve seen, he can do). Then he can look as good as I do.
Second to last sentence should read ‘or’ instead of ‘of’ in “We don’t know why things happen of for what purpose.”
Got it. Thanks.
Ah, there’s the good judgement chiming in.
This is Jon’s “moment” in the story. We’ll see how it plays out.
So he’s not tempted enough to forget his lessons, he’s just getting filled with regrets while processing his life before his eyes…
Not a surprise, since Jon is the secret identity of Regretman. However, I do notice he avoids real issues, like regretting ever wearing that goatee.
We’re always blind to the truly important things.
Hey! I have a goatee that looks just like Jon’s. I don’t regret it…. or maybe I should.
It’s not the goatee in and of itself, but how it often looks on his face, as in the center of flashback panel 2. It actuall looks better in the recent strips than it ever looked in the past, when it mostly gave Jon an air of doofusness, as it does where I’ve indicated.
Overall, I’d say Jon seems to be one of many men who need to either fish or cut bait; shave or grow his entire beard out (which, as we’ve seen, he can do). Then he can look as good as I do.
LOL. I actually grew my current goatee in 2011 because I liked the way it looked on Jon.
Then perhaps the time has come to allow the rest of your face the freedom, not to mention shelter and warmth, you’ve provided for your chin.
Really great storytelling here.
Thanks! Your comments keep me pushing on.
What a contrast with that power-crazy Simon G.A.T.E.S.! (brother of a certain well-known person?
Just kidding…).
It’s no joke.
He’s just suming up his life, there go’s the countdown to 00 !
More on this….