Don’t forget, they’ve been put together before. This is the second time these stones have been brought together at the Spire. Nobody got destroyed the first time, although to be fair Kiri and Jon did both get frozen in the timestream for a couple decades.
So the better option should be like
A. Kill him.
B. Convince him to let the world grow without interference (i.e.- let them rediscover steam power or industrial revolution.
C. Above but with intervention.
“Well. This distinctly doesn’t look like Ibiza in the 20th century. Sorry about that, fellows. Guess something must be wrong wrong with this place, for the old girl to bring us here. Allons-y!”
Poor Simon, those things are only power if they annihilate each other. You’re going to destroy yourself in the process.
Don’t forget, they’ve been put together before. This is the second time these stones have been brought together at the Spire. Nobody got destroyed the first time, although to be fair Kiri and Jon did both get frozen in the timestream for a couple decades.
Actually, being frozen in time was due to Kyri splitting the Endstone in half, releasing stonecraft energy in the process.
What i don’t know is if Simon’s current freedom will alter the reboot process. Last time it involved Simon’s coming back, but now he is back…
That’s all I’m going to say.
That’sssssssss a nice SPIRE you have there. It’d be a sssssshame if something were to happen to it.
End of Line
So the better option should be like
A. Kill him.
B. Convince him to let the world grow without interference (i.e.- let them rediscover steam power or industrial revolution.
C. Above but with intervention.
D. The SPIRE’s main control system crashed back here and now he needs to reboot it.
E. The Deusexmachinastone. (I am NOT going to stop using this until it either makes an official appearance in the comic or becomes a legitimate thing on the internet, heads-up.)
F. “The dramatic cliché was punctured by a by an old blue done-to-death-reference materializing from the air, accompanied by the sound of space and time itself making way for-” ok I’m done.
End of Line
Vworp vworp vworp.
“Well. This distinctly doesn’t look like Ibiza in the 20th century. Sorry about that, fellows. Guess something must be wrong wrong with this place, for the old girl to bring us here. Allons-y!”