Ooooo… you noticed the purple glow is the same as the Banestone. Good catch! Yes they are the same on purpose, but I didn’t mean to mislead you. The Spire is always this color (I think this is the first time it has appeared in color post-apocalypse).
Jon seems remarkably nonplussed about seeing his father “alive” for the first time in decades. Hm.
Also, when I read the comic before this one I got what I thought was an amazingly fitting ad for Jon’s current fashion situation.
Actually it was Pablo who freed Jon and Kyri from “time suspension” back in Issue 1. Jon and Pablo also met again in Issue 2. But I know these events were published years ago so it’s difficult for even me to remember stuff sometimes, LOL. — the problems of a part-time webcomic serial. ;(
And that ad does fit, LOL. But then again, Big Brother Google knows everything about us and it wouldn’t surprise me if they created an algorithm that reads our minds.
CLEAN YOUR ROOM! This is why Pablo is one of my favorites characters.
So the first thing when you see your dad is asking him for a ride? Just don’t break his lightstone, flystone or whatever.
Pablo, pablo, pablo.. You should have noticed the Banestone at work on the spire. xD
Ooooo… you noticed the purple glow is the same as the Banestone. Good catch! Yes they are the same on purpose, but I didn’t mean to mislead you. The Spire is always this color (I think this is the first time it has appeared in color post-apocalypse).
It’s appeared in color before, within the flashbacks. And it was not nearly that much filled with Banestone void magic. 😉
True. Not as “glowy” as it is now.
If I had my life to do over again. . .
.. then you’d have it the exact same way. Trust me, it’s not just a matter of looking back. 😉
LOL! Oh Pablo, you wiseguy…
… doesn’t Pablo know smoking kills? Owait. 🙂
Jon seems remarkably nonplussed about seeing his father “alive” for the first time in decades. Hm.
Also, when I read the comic before this one I got what I thought was an amazingly fitting ad for Jon’s current fashion situation.
Actually it was Pablo who freed Jon and Kyri from “time suspension” back in Issue 1. Jon and Pablo also met again in Issue 2. But I know these events were published years ago so it’s difficult for even me to remember stuff sometimes, LOL. — the problems of a part-time webcomic serial. ;(
And that ad does fit, LOL. But then again, Big Brother Google knows everything about us and it wouldn’t surprise me if they created an algorithm that reads our minds.
Ahahaha… so it was Pablo. He got me too — I thought it was G.A.T.E.S.