While he was created by stone-craft, unfortunately Vandric the Grim has no stoner abilities. I think you might be seeing his far leg as the gray area. My bad for the artistic fumble. 🙂
Yes, and with Drakhyl as his creator. Drakhyl created Grim as a mean to counter Kyri’s martial arts expertise. That makes Grim rebelling against Drakhyl (20 years ago) a very interesting concept. 😉
I do wonder how strong Grim actually is. To be able to hurt a banestone rocker with just raw strength is no easy achievement. Still, just because he hurt him does not mean he actually dealt some damage (that’s the problem with invulnerability : you hardly take any damage but pain stil hurts !). If he does indeed damage Simon’s hand just raw strength, then even the mighty Hulk is a joke compared to Grim.
Totally bitchin’! Bodaciously gnarly duuude!!
As a Southern California boy, I am at a loss to respond, even in my native dialect, dude. 😉
It’s chill. ~_n
Wow! Totally forgotten about this guy! Does he rocking a stone, with that grey light line I see between him and Simon? Or it’s just a drawing effect?
While he was created by stone-craft, unfortunately Vandric the Grim has no stoner abilities. I think you might be seeing his far leg as the gray area. My bad for the artistic fumble. 🙂
Oh, interesting! Vandric was created by stone-craft.
Yes, and with Drakhyl as his creator. Drakhyl created Grim as a mean to counter Kyri’s martial arts expertise. That makes Grim rebelling against Drakhyl (20 years ago) a very interesting concept. 😉
I do wonder how strong Grim actually is. To be able to hurt a banestone rocker with just raw strength is no easy achievement. Still, just because he hurt him does not mean he actually dealt some damage (that’s the problem with invulnerability : you hardly take any damage but pain stil hurts !). If he does indeed damage Simon’s hand just raw strength, then even the mighty Hulk is a joke compared to Grim.
Crushy-helmety time.
Yeah, I was about to say the same thing! He’d likely be powerless without the interface helmet / Doc Brown-looking-thingymajig on his noggin’!
If G.A.T.E.S. weren’t invulnerable, his hand would be all crushed and crunchy, too. That would hurt.
Epic levels of coolness happening right here
Angry baby attack! 😀